Email Marketing Campaigns for Chaló Chaló

Portfolio Information

  • Created by: Juan Ramirez
  • Date: 03-2024
  • Skills: Email Marketing, Design, Ecommerce
  • Client: Chaló Chaló
  • Demo: See Demo

Chaló Chaló is a colombian brand with a great Ecommerce built in Shopify. They know that a good way to engage with their audience is through email marketing campaigns. This is why they decided to automate some of their emails, and also create some campaigns that could tell the story of their brand, their achievements and any other news their audience might like.

Email Marketing Campaigns in Action

With these email marketing campaigns, we’ve been promoting the brand’s story, their values and their news. As for the Ecommerce, the type of emails that are sent are these:

  • Sales and promotions
  • New product launches
  • Abandoned Cart reminders (automated)
  • Order confirmation (automated)
  • Thanks from the owners (automated)
  • Welcome series (automated)


Email Marketing Campaigns for Chaló Chaló
Email Marketing Campaigns for Chaló Chaló
Email Marketing Campaigns for Chaló Chaló