Online flower store for Petalos in Colombia

Portfolio Information

  • Created by: Juan Ramirez
  • Date: 05-15-2021
  • Skills: Web Design & UI
  • Client: Petalos
  • Demo: See Demo

About Petalos’ Online Store

Petalos is a colombian flower store, with three brick & mortar shops in Bogotá, Armenia and MedellĂ­n. They understood the importance of online presence to reach out more customers that for any reason couldn’t go to their stores. This is why we created a high converting online store, hosted in Shopify. Allowing their costumers to buy and get their flowers and gifts without even leaving their homes.

Features of this Ecommerce

Giving the costumer an easy, transparent and practical way to reach their products was what mattered the most to Petalos. This is why we decided to add some extra features, to give their customers everything they needed:

  • Color filtering options, so they could choose their favorite flower colors.
  • Booking at shopping cart, in case the gift needed to be sent on a specific date.
  • Flower & Gift kits, to give the costumers easier choises.

Feel free to check my other projects here.

Online flower store for Petalos in Colombia
Online flower store for Petalos in Colombia
Online flower store for Petalos in Colombia
Online flower store for Petalos in Colombia
Online flower store for Petalos in Colombia
Online flower store for Petalos in Colombia