Mobile Friendly Website for Chaló Chaló at Colombia

Portfolio Information

  • Created by: Juan Ramirez
  • Date: 02-01-2020
  • Skills: Web Design & UI
  • Client: Chaló Chaló
  • Demo: See Demo

About Chaló Chaló

Chaló Chaló is a colombian brand that makes and sells souvenirs. Working mainly online, they needed a website design easy to understand, and an ecommerce capable of showcasing their products and handling their visitors. Along with a simple way to pay for the customers, and an easy way to fulfill their orders.

The Ecommerce

Built on Shopify, this ecommerce has the capacity to handle massive traffic without crashing. The design is simple, yet modern, showcasing the colorful products and captivating the visitors.

Check out my other projects here.

Ecommerce website for Chaló Chaló in Bogotá
Ecommerce website for Chaló Chaló in Bogotá
Ecommerce website for Chaló Chaló in Bogotá
Mobile Friendly Website for Chaló Chaló at Colombia
Ecommerce website for Chaló Chaló in Bogotá
Ecommerce website for Chaló Chaló in Bogotá